How Much Paper Capacity Should You Have?
Looking at the typical copier or MFP, you will notice that you can expand the base unit’s paper trays for use of additional paper. That sounds terrific for convenience, but how do you know the paper capacity needs? You can calculate this through simple factors, but before going deep into the math, you should understand the reasons for wanting more paper trays. First, you have different paper type requirements like colors, finishes and weight. Second, you have a need for different paper sizes, and you want to organize better. Finally, it supports additional capacity.
Many of the contemporary copiers and multifunctional devices have a larger capacity that holds between 500 to 5,000 sheets of paper. You can find trays that are dedicated to printing tabloid paper, but there is no sure-fire method that determines your exact paper capacity. First, look at the size you will most likely use for your daily operations. When you understand the monthly volume, you can divide your monthly volume by 20. That calculates your daily volume needs.
Provided that you do not want to refill the paper tray more than once per day, you should multiply your daily volume by 1.5, which will take the busier days into consideration. After you have looked at this, you will round up to the nearest 500. Rounding up will give you extra wiggle room for when you need to add paper. For the majority of cases, you will want to overestimate your needs as opposed to underestimating them. If you find that you have the maximum number of expansion trays, and you’re still not meeting your needs, then you may want to upgrade your lease.