Printer or Copier for Your Office
There has been an ongoing war between copiers and printers. You may have heard that it is cheaper to get a Colorado Springs than it is to get a printer. That saying is sometimes true, and it is sometimes false. When you are trying to compute the total cost of ownership, it is important for you to include all of the necessary components so that you can get a very accurate number. This includes things such as the maintenance costs, cost per print, the cost of the copier or printer itself and power costs. The problem that most people have is that they do not consider the cost of the Colorado Springs copier. They only compare the cost per print. It is impossible to get an accurate total cost of ownership this way.
A great example of this would be comparing a car that gets 34 MPG to a car that gets 28 MPG. Many people would say that it is cheaper to get the car that gets 34 MPG. However, the car that gets 28 MPG may cost less. This car may also require fewer visits to the shop.
It is also important to note that almost every Colorado Springs copier has a printer version. You may still be wondering is it cheaper to get a printer or copier? The answer to that question is, it depends.