Slow PDFs
Have you been having a hard time with your copier suddenly printing PDF’s a lot slower? If this is true, you are not the only one experiencing this. This has become a common problem for a lot of people.
Some people think that the copier is to blame while other people think that it is actually the software that is to blame. One thing you might want to try is downloading a copy of FoxIt software, which is a free pdf viewing software package that is better at printing pdf’s than Adobe software is some of the time. If you do try this and you are still having problems with it, then it might in fact be a problem with your copier. If you are using the same computers and software from before, you may not actually be having a software issue at all but instead a hardware issue. 95% of people who have this issue are having software issues.
If you would like to work with a company that knows the business of copiers like the back of their hand and who has a passion for the Colorado Springs area and the businesses that function inside of it, please give us a call at (719) 645-4550.